30th Spirit Of Free Beer (SOFB) 2024 Homebrew Competition Info
Account Registration
Registration is closed.
Entry Registration
Entry registration is closed.
- This year's competition will only accept BEER.
- On-line registration is required.
- More than one entry may be made per sub-category, however they must be from different fermentations or of different ingredients. Identify the different entries on the entry form and bottle labels (for example, IPA#1, IPA#2, etc.).
- Please list any and all Co-Brewers under the "General" heading on the "Add an Entry" page.
- BEER entries shall consist of (2) two 10-12 oz. capped bottles, or (2) two 10-12 oz aluminum cans. DO NOT submit a combination of one bottle and one can for an entry. An entry must be two bottles OR two cans.
- All BEER entries will be transported in standard 4x6-pack case boxes.
- Bottles may be brown or green glass and must be free of any labels. In addition, these should not have raised glass designs, etched logos, or any other identifying marks. Bottle caps must be either plain or blacked out with a magic marker. Attach the bottle label to each bottle with a rubber band.
- Cans should be aluminum cans and must be free of any labels, designs, logos, or any other identifying marks. Attach the can label to each can with a rubber band.
- Note: Irregular shaped bottles require special handling and increase the risk of accidental mishandling.
- All entries must be brewed at home. Beer brewed in a Brew on Premise is acceptable, but beer brewed in a commercial brewery will not be accepted.
- All entries become the property of Brewers United for Real Potables.
- It is the entrant's responsibility to enter his or her BEER in the proper category, as specified in the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines. No entry will be reclassified.
- While it is not necessary to provide full recipe information for each entry, those wishing to qualify for the Bill Moe Award for the best extract-based (at least 50%) BEER should specify that their entry is extract-based and include recipe information.Entries do not have to be completely extract based.
- Entries in some BEER categories/sub-categories need to specify special ingredients and/or classic style information on the entry form and bottle labels. See the 2021 BJCP guidelines for more info.
- The entry fee is ten dollars ($10) per entry. Payment will only be accepted using PayPal (which also accepts credit cards). When dropping off or sending bottles, please attach your PayPal or credit card receipt.
- Registration deadline is Friday, March 29th. All entry drop-offs must be received by 1 pm on Friday, March 29th.
- Winners will be posted on this site by 12:00 PM on April 13th. Scoresheets will be available on the website as soon as possible thereafter. Ribbons and prizes will be distributed at a later date.
- Any questions about the competition regulations, procedures, awards, etc., should be directed to the organizer (see under Contacts).
BJCP 2021 Judging Styles
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
1A American Light Lager | 1B American Lager | 1C Cream Ale |
1D American Wheat Beer | 2A International Pale Lager | 2B International Amber Lager |
2C International Dark Lager | 3A Czech Pale Lager | 3B Czech Premium Pale Lager |
3C Czech Amber Lager | 3D Czech Dark Lager | 4A Munich Helles |
4B Festbier | 4C Helles Bock | 5A German Leichtbier |
5B Kölsch | 5C German Helles Exportbier | 5D German Pils |
6A Märzen | 6B Rauchbier | 6C Dunkels Bock |
7A Vienna Lager | 7B Altbier | 8A Munich Dunkel |
8B Schwarzbier | 9A Doppelbock | 9B Eisbock |
9C Baltic Porter | 10A Weissbier | 10B Dunkels Weissbier |
10C Weizenbock | 11A Ordinary Bitter | 11B Best Bitter |
11C Strong Bitter | 12A British Golden Ale | 12B Australian Sparkling Ale |
12C English IPA | 13A Dark Mild | 13B British Brown Ale |
13C English Porter | 14A Scottish Light | 14B Scottish Heavy |
14C Scottish Export | 15A Irish Red Ale | 15B Irish Stout |
15C Irish Extra Stout | 16A Sweet Stout | 16B Oatmeal Stout |
16C Tropical Stout | 16D Foreign Extra Stout | 17A British Strong Ale |
17A1 Burton Ale | 17B Old Ale | 17C Wee Heavy |
17D English Barley Wine | 18A Blonde Ale | 18B American Pale Ale |
19A American Amber Ale | 19B California Common | 19C American Brown Ale |
20A American Porter | 20B American Stout | 20C Imperial Stout |
21A American IPA | 21B Specialty IPA | 21B1 Belgian IPA |
21B2 Black IPA | 21B3 Brown IPA | 21B4 Red IPA |
21B5 Rye IPA | 21B6 White IPA | 21B7 Brut IPA |
21C Hazy IPA | 22A Double IPA | 22B American Strong Ale |
22C American Barleywine | 22D Wheatwine | 23A Berliner Weisse |
23B Flanders Red Ale | 23C Oud Bruin | 23D Lambic |
23E Gueuze | 23F Fruit Lambic | 23G Gose |
24A Witbier | 24B Belgian Pale Ale | 24C Bière de Garde |
25A Belgian Blond Ale | 25B Saison | 25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale |
26A Belgian Single | 26B Belgian Dubbel | 26C Belgian Tripel |
26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale | 27A Historical Beer | 27A1 Kellerbier |
27A2 Kentucky Common | 27A3 Lichtenhainer | 27A4 London Brown Ale |
27A5 Piwo Grodziskie | 27A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager | 27A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter |
27A8 Roggenbier | 27A9 Sahti | 28A Brett Beer |
28B Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer | 28C Wild Specialty Beer | 28D Straight Sour Beer |
29A Fruit Beer | 29B Fruit and Spice Beer | 29C Specialty Fruit Beer |
29D Grape Ale | 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer | 30B Autumn Seasonal Beer |
30C Winter Seasonal Beer | 30D Specialty Spice Beer | 31A Alternative Grain Beer |
31B Alternative Sugar Beer | 32A Classic Style Smoked Beer | 32B Specialty Smoked Beer |
33A Wood-Aged Beer | 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer | 34A Commercial Specialty Beer |
34B Mixed-Style Beer | 34C Experimental Beer |
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 2
Judging Sessions
Morning Session at Silver Branch Brewing
Saturday, April 6, 2024 9:00 AM, EDT
Afternoon Session at Silver Branch Brewing
Saturday, April 6, 2024 1:00 PM, EDT
Best of Show Judging at Silver Branch Brewing
Saturday, April 6, 2024 5:00 PM, EDT
- Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each of the prize categories as determined by the organizers. Because of the large number of beer style categories in the 2021 BJCP Guidelines, organizers reserve the right to combine categories as necessary into a manageable number of overall prize categories. Additionally, prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for Best of Show.
- The Bill Moe Award will be given to the entrant with the highest scoring extract-based BEER. Entries do not have to be completely extract based. However, at least 50% of the fermentables must be based on malt extract. Those wishing to compete for this award should provide recipe information to include the amounts and types of malt extracts used.
- Competition winners will be posted on this site by 12:00 PM on April 13th.
Awards Ceremony
BURP April Meeting
Rockville, MD
Saturday, April 13, 2024 1:00 PM, EDT